The group now meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month, 2.00 – 4.00 pm, in Greystone Community Centre, Ballycraigy Road.
Bring along all those projects that you started and never finished.
Perhaps someone will know the answer to the problem that is preventing you from moving on.
Maybe you just need a dedicated time to give to the project.
We currently have, or have had the following crafts pursued by this group.
- Dressmaking
- Soft furnishings
- Cross Stitch
- Knitting
- Patchwork
- Upholstery
- Model ship making
So if you have any of these projects sitting in a drawer needing completion then bring them with you.
But don’t be limited by this list, what do you want to do?
Want to learn a new skill?
While there is no formal training program I am sure we can give some training.
Has your project ground to a halt because of a problem?
Let us see if we can help.
Don’t know if it’s for you?
Come along to one meeting (just .50p for coffee and biscuits) and see how you feel.
In any event the craic is usually good.
Thereafter the cost of the meetings is between £2 – £3 depending on numbers.