Welcome to Massereene U3A

Welcome to the website of Massereene U3A which serves the Antrim area. We hope you find the site easy to navigate. Our latest news will always be posted on this page. To find out more about us and our activities, try the various menu buttons above. You can send us a comment or a query via the Contact Us page. We’d love to hear from you. Continue reading

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Co-operation with Ballymena U3A

Massereene U3A is pleased to announce that it has entered into a co-operative agreement with Ballymena U3A.  The main purpose of the agreement is to allow, in certain circumstances, members from each U3A to join the interest groups of the other, but other areas of co-operation will also be facilitated.

The text of the agreement is as follows:

Ballymena U3A and Massereene U3A agree that their interest groups shall be open to each other’s members provided that:

  • the interest group has vacancies and is actively seeking members;
  • the group leader/facilitator is willing to accept them into the group;
  • all group members, from whichever U3A, contribute equally to meeting any costs incurred by the group.

Members are accepted into the interest group on the proviso that their membership of the interest group is until the end of that membership year. At this time if members of the hosting U3A wish to join the interest group and there is a limit on its capacity then the visiting members (those from another U3A) will relinquish membership of that interest group.

Ballymena U3A and Massereene U3A will also explore and implement, by mutual agreement, other ways of co-operating in order to provide enhanced services to their members.

This agreement shall remain operative until such times as one or both U3As decide to terminate it by informing the other U3A of this decision in writing.

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